We had a good trip to the beach at the end of July, including Jordan's first trip into the ocean, first plane ride, first boat ride and even her first fire truck ride. She handled flying better than I did since I ended up crying in the airport the day we were supposed to come home begging the jerk manning the gate to get us home the day Delta was supposed to get us home but was unable to do because of mechanical issues (in combination with weather issues in the preceding days).
Jordan was only so-so on the ocean, though I will admit the waves at Holden Beach were pretty rough. When I was on my knees holding Jordan in the water, several of the waves were strong enough to knock me off balance, but Jordan didn't go under water or anything like that. She was clearly more impressed with the pool at the beach house and the pool at Dad's housing development. It is like when we go to the park and all she wants to do is swing when we have a swing at home. At least we all had a good time and were able to spend time with my dad, his wife and her son.
Here is Jordan the first day at the beach checking things out.

Playing in the sand. Dave would make the bucket-shaped mini castles and Jordan would knock them down. We bought a really cheap, small video camera for the trip, and we got some lovely footage of Jordan knocking those things down like it was her job.
This was the second day at the beach. Don't believe for a second she went into that water alone!

I have more beach pics to post, but long story short 1 case has taken over most of my summer, sending me to Elkins repeatedly, Parkersburg and Greensburg, PA, not to mention some all day depos in Charleston. I'm leaving for Motown/Morganhole on Monday for a 2 day mediation and keeping my fingers crossed that that will be nearly the end of the case for me. For that reason, I've felt like an absentee mother a lot lately and have gotten behind on blogging and lots of things, not to mention it now being a joke that I actually still have an office at my firm.

I have more beach pics to post, but long story short 1 case has taken over most of my summer, sending me to Elkins repeatedly, Parkersburg and Greensburg, PA, not to mention some all day depos in Charleston. I'm leaving for Motown/Morganhole on Monday for a 2 day mediation and keeping my fingers crossed that that will be nearly the end of the case for me. For that reason, I've felt like an absentee mother a lot lately and have gotten behind on blogging and lots of things, not to mention it now being a joke that I actually still have an office at my firm.