On Halloween we stayed in and handed out candy rather than taking Jordan out trick or treating. She doesn't each much candy, which I understand considering she really only has 2 teeth to chew it with, so it seemed crazy to take her around the neighborhood collecting candy. She only handed candy to 1 little boy, but she had to run to the door each time the doorbell rang or kids came to the door just to check everyone out.

Although she wouldn't wear the headpiece for her own costume either time she wore it, she wore the headpiece for Maddie's for a few minutes the night of trick or treat.

Yes, Maddie and Jordan had matching costumes. I swear to you Dave was the one responsible for Maddie's costume though!

Jordan appears to be getting 3 teeth right now, though they are strangely all on one side of her mouth all on the top. I hope that is the reason she has been waking up once per night recently crying. We didn't realize there were so many coming in until yesterday evening when Dave was holding her upside down playing with her in the kitchen where the lights caught the glimmer of the teeth. Ouch! Not much else going on around here except getting ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Mom may keep Jordan for us this evening so we can sleep! Sad that that is what we look forward to now...
I hear you on the sleep thing!! Ainsley's been having a growth spurt with a couple of bottles a night again. Dear Lord. And, I am staying at my mom's tonight so that when she gets up in the morning I can sleep! ha. Jordan is adorable and so is Maddie. xoxo!!
So, did Dave also have a ladybug costume? Just wondering. Very cute pictures and I am sure Maddie enjoyed trick or treating.
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