Sunday, June 29, 2008

Slowly but surely

We will eventually get our house finished- right? We still have a lot of plans, but it is certainly a lot harder trying to fix up a house with an infant than with just the 2 of us- especially since she is now pulling everything off of tables and opening cabinets. Here is a picture of Jordan's crib, her wall letters, mobile and the window closest to her crib. For those of you well versed in our crib saga (never buy Creations Baby furniture), this is her real crib.

And a close up of the letters. Since I have very little (if any) artistic talent, I got someone from ebay to paint these for me. The "o" and "n" have dragonflies to match Jordan's bumper and quilt.

And a leftover picture from Memorial weekend. Jordan loves being pulled around Robert's pool in this red wagon that I swear has some type of special off-road wheels. We routinely have to stop the wagon ride when she stands up (for obvious reasons). On a side note, this is the most fabulous pool because it is around 4 ft deep so I can hold Jordan and be anywhere in the pool.

Wish us luck with the follow-up pediatric pulmonologist appt on Tuesday because these breathing treatments are wearing us out. If Jordan is awake, she still fights us on them, including stiffening her entire body, screaming and trying to squirm out of our arms. This makes her sweat which seems to make her cough, which is tons of fun. She has a well baby visit on July 15, as well, so she is all doctored up.


Paula said...

good luck let us know what the doctor says

Anonymous said...

I love her room! Very nicely done Katie.

Anonymous said...

I forgot it doesn't show my name. . . last comment was from Megan

CBRESQ said...

Like the room - it is cute. Hope all goes well tomorrow - keep me posted.

Anonymous said...

Great!! Kids really love these kinds of themes in their rooms...

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about you guys and hoping the appt. goes well. Love the room. Looks great!!! Keep us posted on how that little sweetie is!!
