Here she is on the slide. Her little croc-like shoes seemed to slow her down, so we took them off. Then her bare feet slowed her down, as well. Apparently socks are the fastest way to make it down a slide, though they aren't much fun when it is 90 degrees. While it didn't look like much fun to Dave or I, Jordan fussed when we took her away from the slide.
And now introducing the kitten (who is currently looking over my shoulder). Dave is a mine inspector with the DEP and travels to both active and reclaimed mine sites 4 days per week. Some mines were/are shut down this week for miners' vacation. When he was at one such site this week this kitten started following him around meowing. He asked the security guard if the kitten belonged to anyone up there, and he said it didn't. It was no where near a road or house, so he was afraid what would happen to the kitten if he left it there. So, being the softies we are, the kitten is currently in our basement. Our other animals are not too happy about the situation, and I'm still hoping Kim decides to take it. It is friendly and playful, but 2 cats, a dog and an infant are plenty for us right now. I think the kitten is a female, but I've been wrong on that front before. Isn't it cute?
We had the follow-up with the pediatric pulmonologist on Tuesday. Unfortunately, the doc had had something come up and was running very late, so we were there a lot longer than expected. He is leaning away from asthma at this point but didn't really tell us much of anything. We are down to 1 breathing treatment per day, at least until the August appt, so that is good. At that point we are going to see both the pulmonologist and gastroenterologist because there is a chance reflux is causing the coughing. I really don't think that is what it is, but we owe it to Jordan to talk to the other doc and get his opinion on the matter. Hopefully she'll grow out of this very quickly.
Lastly- Happy 4th of July and happy birthday Mom!
Slides are fabulous! Oh, and skorts don't work well either, as Emma has found out. Your butt cheeks are amongst the list of things that slow you down. ;)
THe cat is adorable but since I already have a garage dwelling cat I'm pretty sure I'd be in big trouble if I brought her home.
did the kitty find a home? hey how did you get that verification thing down below from the looks this morning i need one. but the only thing i could find was to block certian users..
Hey there. I can tell Jordan is really concentrating on picking up something she is not supposed to have on the picnic table - my kid is eating grass, fuzz, and anything else she can find - nice:) I hope things get straightened out with Jordan.
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