And some of the decor. The banner had puppies and paw prints.
I have a confession. I have misplaced the USB cord for my camera, so I can only load pictures on the computer with the memory card. The card will only work with the home computer, so I'm not so good at loading pictures on the computer right now. Hopefully we'll find the USB cord again soon.
This past Sunday was our neighborhood Halloween parade, so I got some cute pics of Jordan and the neighborhood kids having a good time. She is one of the youngest in the neighborhood at the moment, so she was clearly a bit scared of some of the people and costumes. She has her Halloween party at daycare tomorrow, but the parents aren't invited due to parking and the knowledge it would be pure chaos if everyone was there at the same time. However, we are going to take Jordan trick or treating for the first time on Thursday. My prediction is that she will not go to a single door outside of our cul de sac without one of us carrying her, so this could be interesting. As a bonus, my mom is handing out candy at our house (she doesn't get trick or treaters at her house) and is bringing us dinner. Wish us luck trick or treating!