Last weekend Jordan attended her first baby shower. My friend from work, Marsha, is due right before Christmas, so we went through a lot of pregnancy stuff together. When Marsha came to visit in the hospital, I told Jordan she had to be good so she didn't scare Marsha. We had the same talk before the shower (not that I really thought it would work either time), so I was happily surprised that Jordan didn't cry or fuss at all. When the quivering lip appeared, I gave her a bottle and all was right with the world.

Then, at the firm Halloween party on Friday, Marsha held Jordan in her Halloween costume. Don't you just love the sea shells on her chest?!? I didn't know until later that Marsha had never held a baby under 6 months of age, so I'm glad I took a picture of the big occasion. At the start of the Halloween party, Jordan was extremely alert and looking around at everyone and everything. By this point, however, she was dead to the world in a cat nap.

I'm happy to report that we survived our first week back at work. I was pretty tired much of the time, but we all seem to be doing better in a routine. Jordan has been sleeping better and has only been doing 1 middle of the night feeding for the last few nights. We were home alone for most of Thursday evening, and I was reminded of how sweet she can be when we are alone. When I visit Jordan in day care during the week, I love that she looks up at me with her beautiful eyes and really seems to recognize me.