Dave may not be a great photographer, but he is clearly a born hairdresser. He loves "styling" Jordan's hair during bath time. She apparently thought she was supposed to make an Elvis face with her lips fixed that way. Notice the bath toy in each hand- you can't enjoy a bath without a toy in each hand.
Of course, anything in her hand also has to make it to her mouth if at all possible.
Since Jordan has been coughing on and off since January, the pediatrician set an
appt up for us with a local pediatric
pulmonologist. Let me just tell you for those who have not been through it, infant x-rays are terrible. They strapped Jordan to this board on the x-ray table with her arms up beside of her head. Clearly that is not going to go over well. They took 1 frontal and 1 side view of her chest to check out her lungs. There is no definitive diagnosis at this point, but the doc is treating her for asthma to see how the treatment works. Next Friday we have to go back to the hospital where she has to drink barium and get another x-ray. That one should be tons of fun. For now we are doing 3-4 breathing treatments per day, which she hates, and taking 5 days of liquid steroids. Please wish us luck with all of the medical stuff, though I don't think we'll know anything for a little while.
poor baby...i know lydia had several chest x-rays while in nicu but we were never around for them. not sure if they had to strap her in b/c at hours old..you don't move very much...she looks like she is having fun in the bathtub. i hope she gets to feeling better..
She is too just too cute!! Love the hair and the "Elvis" face! I hope she feels better soon! I hate that you guys have to go through this!!!
Sorry Jordan (and her parents) has to go through all that stuff. I hope that everything is okay and that you will have some answers soon. We will be thinking about you.
I love the hair - when is Dave going to start doing your hair? By the way I know this is a couple of posts late, but I really like your kitchen. Hang in there.
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