Yep- she can now reach the top of our dining room table (and pull off anything within reach).
Jordan and I spent almost 3 hours at the doctors' office yesterday where we saw both the pulmonologist and gastroenterologist. Since the breathing treatments and reflux medicine seem to be working well together we are just keeping things as they are. The pulmonologist said she gets 1 month off for good behavior, so we won't have to follow up until October. It was an adventure seeing 2 doctors in the same office without Dave to assist. In my hurry to get Jordan from day care, I forgot to grab her pacifier. While she was very good most of the time, during her meltdown, I called my office and begged the office runner to bring me her paci from daycare. Of course, after my pathetic begging, Jordan switched back to her normal self and didn't even need the paci. Oh, well. She is going to have to have blood work done twice in the next few months because she has to have her lead level tested for her 12 month appointment, and we are going to go ahead and have allergy tests done. I'm definitely making Dave hold her for the blood work because she is incredibly strong.
Sounds like you had an adventure. I wish I had a servant, I mean office runner, to bring me stuff I leave behind (actually I would rather have someone who could find all the pacifiers Vivian has lost in the house). Glad you got some good news at the doctor - she sure looks like she feels good in the pictures.
I glad you got good news...I am not sure why but Lydia will wear her hats...Jordan looks super cute with hers on.
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