I remember being in the
operating room nervously awaiting Jordan's first cry and many nights where all I could think of was making the crying stop. It seems like yesterday Jordan entered my life, but it is also hard to remember what life was like before she was here. I can't believe my "baby Jordan" is officially 1 year old. One of the girls at work asked me today what time it was 1 year ago that she and another girl took me to the hospital. I think I was the first person at this office to actually go into labor in the building. Dave and I had gone for a follow up ultrasound, had lunch and then went back to the doctor's office to discuss our options since they thought Jordan was 8 lbs 9 oz. After deciding on a c-section to be scheduled at the end of the week, I returned to work and e-mailed people to say Jordan would be arriving by c-section on September 14. Just like the way she lives her life now, Jordan had other plans. She decided she would be arriving that day. She arrived at 8:15 pm weighing in at a healthy 8 lbs 12 oz and was 19 3/4 inches long.
Below is a small glimpse back at Jordan's first year...
Our first family photo.

As soon as you were dressed for your hospital photos, with your parents' bad timing, you gave your parents their first
poopy diaper to change.
I was so thrilled when you learned to really smile. You looked like you were cracking up even before you could laugh out loud.
You had a great first Christmas beginning with Christmas eve dinner at Robert's house, Christmas morning at our house, later that day visiting with your cousin Zach, Ma Maw and Aunt Julie at Julie's house and then finishing off with presents at your Nana's house.
After scooting backwards for a while and getting frustrated, you mastered crawling. Honestly, watching you scoot backwards under furniture was pretty darn adorable!
Your first time in a pool was during Memorial weekend at Robert's house. As usual, you preferred being independent in the pool rather than in the shaded float purchased just for you.

Your first time on a slide at my firm picnic in June. Since the
crocs seemed to be slowing you down, sans shoes was definitely the way to go.
You finally started loving the outdoors and just being in the grass. Of course, your buddy Maddie wasn't far away. The glowing eyes behind you belong to a kitten that stayed with us for a month or so until we found a new home for him. You had a lot of fun with him while he visited- don't worry he went to a good home.
Then you got Zach's roller coaster he had outgrown. I was a little scared to put you on the roller coaster, but your father was braver and took care of that. While you are hard to photograph zipping down the coaster, loving every second of it, capturing any of that joy on film is wonderful.
And now you are a big girl, standing, walking and trying to run. You love to climb the stairs, though going down is not something of interest at the moment.
This first year of life has brought so many changes and amazing moments, I can't wait to see what you have in store for us in the years to come. I had no idea what it was like to love someone so much until you came along. As I've told you many times, I love you with all my heart, and you owe me a lifetime of kisses. Happy birthday baby Jordan!