One of our best helpers was Jordan's cousin Zach. Jordan absolutely adores Zach, and everything he does makes her squeal with laughter.
Jordan's third cousin, Nyla, was happy to help her get going on the ride on toy.
After opening the first gift bag, Jordan spotted the toys and lost interest in the other presents. She kept going back to that bag and looking in. Notice that several of the presents were taller than Jordan. The polka dotted dress belongs to the one and only Sophie B. She was our helper getting ready for the party and opening the presents.
This is probably my last post until after the WVU v. Marshall game this weekend. Dave and I are headed up on Friday so I can go to the CLE, and we'll be staying in Motown Friday and Saturday nights. Jordan will have plenty of quality time with her Ma Maw, and Maddie will have quality time with Jordan's Nana and Uncle Grandpa/Bo Bo. I must say that Ma Maw is getting the prettier granddaughter!
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