What happens when you leave a 13 month old alone with an open can of pop?

I don't know what happened to the pop... (I'm sure that is what she could say if she could articulate what she was thinking here.) Dave was in the kitchen while I ran down to the basement for a minute. When I came back up, this is what I found. Nice. Dave explained he forgot there was an open pop in there. Whoops!

Do not adjust your computers, Jordan is upside down. Upside down is fun when you are being tickled!

The Halloween pictures are yet to come...
BTW- I'm still not sure if Jordan had pink eye. The good news is that if she did, it was only contagious for 24 hours, so she is safe to go back to daycare and attend the Halloween parties tomorrow. Woo!
I should of taken pictures of why you do not leave a 16 month old unattended with a jar of vasoline...
She is so cute...even if she did make a bit of a mess!!
"POP" didn't you go to school in North Carolina? LOL ...
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