

toes? (yes, she is saying toes while pointing them out)

And what could be cuter than a heart on Jordan's butt?!?

We've just been plugging away here. It looks like I'm going to my second trial beginning on January 20. Then, a week after that I think I'm going to a site inspection at the Sago Mine- yes, the one where the big explosion occurred on January 2, 2006. I don't plan to go all the way down to the area where the explosion occurred, but I won't know the complete details for a little while.
Jordan has her 15 month well baby visit this week (1 month late), and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that her last ear infection has cleared up and no new ones have appeared. Then, the week after that we have a follow up with the
pulmonologist, which Dave gets to take her to due to my trial. Jordan is spending tonight with her Nana so Dave and I can get some stuff done around the house and possibly have dinner together where we both get to eat at the same time- a truly novel concept.
She looks like such a big girl!!! Can you imagine those pants on us! Not a pretty picture!
her hair is so long! good luck at the doctors
I know what you mean about dinner! I'm used to eating just about everything cold now. And cold coffee too, what a treat! Jordan has such bright eyes!
What a smart girl!!! She is so cute and I like the outfit.
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