Around our house Jordan's current definition of "uh, oh" seems to be "I did something on purpose, but now I don't know how to fix it/get the item back." Jordan was
diagnosed with the beginning stages of RSV during her "well baby" visit on Thursday. The visit was perfect timing because she had developed a nasty little cough on Tuesday evening. Dave kept her at home on Friday, and they had a pretty good day together while I did trial prep with our client and then participated in a 3 hour
pre-trial conference in Huntington. Then, shortly after we got back to the office, Plaintiffs' counsel called and asked if an offer from February 2008 (and mediation last month) was still on the table. Long story short, the case settled at 6:30 on Friday evening. But I digress...
On Saturday Jordan walked over to an area of the living room where several of her toys are and started repeatedly saying, "uh, oh". Dave told me that on Friday she had done the same thing in the same place, so I went to investigate. I quickly realized what the problem was.

That is the recently named Be Be in the ball popper tube. Upon further examination, we realized why she had been saying "uh, oh" on Friday, as well. 2 Be Be's were in the toy.

Jordan tried to retrieve them, but her little arm wasn't long enough.

We ended up turning the thing upside down and shaking it until the Be Be's came out. We turned the toy on, but it apparently wasn't powerful enough to blow them out. After the Be Be's were freed, we turned the toy on and the balls flew every direction. Jordan then had to look down in the tube to see if anything else would come out. Check out the hair!

After I came in from a long overdue haircut on Saturday, I tried to get Jordan to pose for a picture with me. It didn't work out well, so this is the best picture we ended up with. While it looks like Jordan is being sweet, that is
only partially true since she was really interested in the buckles on my sweater. Of course, part of the reason for this picture is because the hairdresser always goes through all the effort of straightening my hair and no one ends up seeing it.

Dave and I went to Lowe's last night and bought paint to try to tackle the basement that we've been putting off since we moved in. For anyone who hasn't been in our basement, I'll tell you that we bought 3 gallons of paint and are hoping that will be enough, so it isn't a small space. Jordan is with her Ma maw, so we won't be getting her high on paint fumes. It hit me when we were at Lowe's that Martin Luther King weekend 2007 we painted our basement in St.
Albans. Dave asked the obvious question of how I remembered that. The answer is that that Monday morning I had off work, so I took a pregnancy test and found out that we were expecting Jordan. I felt badly we had painted an unventilated basement that weekend, so I will always remember that Martin Luther King weekend.
We had the exact same toy and had the exact same problem. Eventually Lydia arm kept getting stuck from trying to get her toys out so that toy is now in our attic!
Sophie only put our cordless phone down that tube and she'd get her arm stuck trying to get it out b/c it was so chubby! Good luck with the basement. I don't know why you would want to paint over "Old Ironsides."
About the painting while pregnant. Does the mommy guilt ever end?! haha
Uh-oh indeed. Vivian would be screaming her head off, particularly if she could not find any other binkies. Actually, we lose them all and then one day she will come out from under her crib (or somewhere) with three of them - one in her mouth and two hands full. Crazy stuff.
Painting again - hmm...:) Actually, that is funny because Vivian is the reason my kitchen cabinets did not get done - I had started finishing them and had the bottom ones almost done when my test was positive. We are having a "house" day tomorrow too. Pick a room - it all needs help.
Jordan is a cutie. I really like her wild hair - Vivian's hair has not gotten that long, but it has finally started laying better. Take care.
We have that same toy and I imagine we will have that same problem. I agree with Kim, I don't know why you would want to paint over that great ship motif you have going on downstairs! Painting while pregnant must be the thing to do because last year right before I found out I painted our laundry room.
Hehe, love her hair. I really like the one pic of the two of you. It does look sweet, just don't tell the real story!
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