We had a good family day yesterday, though Jordan wouldn't nap for more than 30 minutes at any point yesterday. Since she loves standing up and playing with toys, especially at the same time, she has loved the Exer-saucer since the first time we put her in it. It is a life saver since it entertains her for at least 15-20 minutes at a time allowing us to do fun things like wash bottles. Jordan has also taken to jumping lately, which she tries to do in the Exer-saucer. Thank goodness that thing seems to have some good springs. I picked up a Jumperoo today that has been loved by several other kids first, though I wanted to share these pics before the ones of Jordan in the Jumperoo, which she already seems to love.
This look of concentration seems to convey, "so many toys, so little time".
Unfortunately, after a great day together, Jordan didn't have such a great night. After sleeping through the night twice this week, she woke up at 2am and didn't want to go back to sleep. As I was carrying her to bring her downstairs so Dave could sleep around 5am, she threw up all over me soaking herself in the process. Then, she had another bottle around 7:30 which she threw up all over me about 30 minutes after she finished the bottle. So, we are back on reflux meds. I hope they do the trick because I can't handle another night like last night for quite a while.
oh, i hope the meds help...i don't care if it is your kid or not...getting puked on is horrible!
I love that 1st pic of her..too cute! And alittle puke never hurt, (as long as it's not on me!)
Love the jumparoo, sorry about the puke!!!!
Aren't exersaucers and jumparoos great?
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