On Sunday we did Christmas with Dave's family, and Jordan had a ball opening presents. One of her favorites was definitely the shopping cart. She cried because we wouldn't put it together on the spot. Of course, she had plenty of other toys to distract her and to play with.

She is still at the stage where the boxes are some of the best gifts. This box originally held a very soft Bath and Body Works blanket. I can't explain the look on her face...

Her cousin, Zach, was happy to help with presents. He even connected the handle of her vacuum so she could play with it.

This Leap Frog
caterpillar thing was/is also a lot of fun.

Jordan has her 3rd ear infection in 3 months. According to the PA at the pediatrician's office, if she has 1 more before April, they will have to refer us to see about tubes. I have mixed feelings about that, but we will obviously do whatever is best for her.
We did Christmas eve at Robert's house, as usual, this year. However, we (read Dave) accidentally left the camera on the kitchen counter. We took pictures with Robert's camera that we'll load on the computer sometime soon. Christmas this year was a lot more entertaining than last year because Jordan got excited about some presents and really got into playing with some of them. Of course, baby's firsts are important, but there was something special about this year because it seemed like Jordan really enjoyed it. I hope each of you had a good Christmas!
I agree, this year was fun, she wanted us to open every box and kept wanting to play with stuff instead of opening new stuff
Merry Christmas Katie! Looks like the Nichols' family had a great holiday. Jordan is such a cutie. Hope to see you again soon.
Sounds like you all had a good time. I am glad Jordan was into it this year. The tubes do not sound like fun, but I think they really help, of course I don't remember because I had to have mine before I was a year. It could not be any worse than fighting ear infections all the time.
Anywho, we had a good Christmas too. They are fun this year - not old enough to be demanding about what they want, but old enough to enjoy.
Glad Miss Jordan loved her toys! Bummer about the tubes but I had the same thing as a baby and ended up with my tonsils being taken out...I'd take the tubes! I hope they help. keep us updated! Miss you all and Merry Christmas.
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