I didn't read my horoscope this week (and rarely do), but based on my experiences this week, I'm going to draft my own:
DO NOT GET OUT OF BED THIS WEEK! Your finances are looking dim. Just when you think there is a possibility you may get ahead, your hot water heater will go out forcing you to spend almost $1,000 you were not planning on spending. Don't even try to get the tax incentive for a
tankless water heater because that will require you to live without water for at least 1 week and will be a complete waste of time.
Your child will have health issues. After getting her hand shut in a door at daycare last week, this week she will try to climb onto a daycare table resulting in a large, purple knot on her forehead. Then, the thing that looks like a small
bug bite on Tuesday will turn into a giant red place that will come to a head and eventually drain on its own or be forcibly opened up with a scalpel. Yes, it may be
MRSA, but you may never know. You'll get to spend the next week or more watching to see if the red area expands an inch beyond the line that was drawn on her leg Thursday morning and to see if it starts draining on its own. If not, then you will cry while Jordan's leg is opened by a scalpel so it can drain.
On a separate note, the Kelly's Kids clothes arrived yesterday in the midst of the madness. I've only looked at a few items, but they are so adorable. I also found a link to the virtual catalog if anyone wants to check it out:
www.kellyskids.com/virtualcatalogAnd on that note, I hope your week is going better than mine.