Although putting tights on a 6 month old is an adventure, Jordan ended up dressed and ready for church with time to spare. Who needs toys when you can sit on a hit the coffee table at Ma Maw's house?
And a better picture of Jordan's dress, matching cardigan and shoes that cost more than most of my shoes- thankfully, they were a gift.
Jordan loves talking to her Ma Maw. While I thought her dress was adorable, all the frilly layers made her a bit slippery. Jordan did very well in church on Easter. The only time she fussed a little was when she got hungry. She doesn't even fuss when the 89 year old man who thinks he can sing does a solo each Sunday. It was too cold to take part in the Easter egg hunt outside church, but Jordan was given a chocolate bunny and some of the plastic eggs with candy inside. Yeah, those didn't go straight to my hips...
And on the home front... we finally got carpet in the bedrooms on Monday. The kitchen cabinets and appliances are supposed to be delivered on Monday, and we hope our contractor is going to be finished at his current job by the end of next week so he can start installing our new cabinets in a week or so. I can't wait to unpack the kitchen stuff and to fix food in a kitchen that doesn't make me want to gag!
Jordan is such a little cutie. Just from the photos you can see her personality developing more and more. The house sounds like it's going to be fantastic. I hope to see the house and Jordan and you very soon! Miss you!
Jordan's dress was cute. Tights are interesting, particularly for dads to try and figure out:) Glad you are making progress in your house. I understand how frustrating that can be. Hang in there.
Awe...she looks so cute in her Easter dress! I'm glad she was quiet in church for you :)
I love the Easter dresss. She looked adorable. I know what you mean about the basket. This is year two that we had a hard time filling it. I ended up getting her "Cuck", a book, her shoes (which cost more than mine..) her dress, and I put some graduates cereal bars and snacks in there...
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