Jordan graduated to the big girl blow up tub a few weeks ago, but I'm just getting around to posting pics. I was afraid for a while that she would fall back into the water, so we waited to put her in the blow up tub until I was sure she could hold herself upright well enough. She LOVED being in the deeper tub so she could splash until her heart was content. Check out those rolls!
Cheesing for the camera. Dave was brave enough to get in the tub and ended up wishing he had worn swimming trunks!
She had to check out the new tub completely, including the useless hardware stuff.
And now for the sad note. When I was growing up my mom had several good friends that were always around. As I got older, I grew close to several of them and came to value their friendships, as well. Everyone needs at least one friend willing to start gossip with "don't you dare tell your mother I told you this..." For me, this friend was my mom's friend Ruthy. She was a very good friend to Mom and I for many, many years. I spent countless hours when I was in high school and college sitting in her living room discussing everything and nothing at all. She had not gotten to meet Jordan yet and jokingly gave me a hard time about it when I last saw her several weeks ago. On Saturday I called her to take Jordan to her house to meet her, but she wasn't home. On Tuesday she was found in her house having passed away. She was a beloved mother, sister and grandmother and was far too young to pass away of natural causes, but that is exactly what happened. Now I'm trying to remember if I hugged her the last time I saw her and regretting that I didn't try to get Jordan to her house sooner. Even for those of you who didn't get to meet Ruthy, I ask that you please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers.
1 comment:
Sorry about your friend. Sounds like a neat lady and I remember you talking about her some. Pass on my sympathy to the Sandy as well. Hang in there.
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