As I mentioned before, things were so hectic at Easter that we didn't even get to the Easter basket. No worries though, Jordan got to have a good time with it later. I'm glad we went with a plush Easter basket because Jordan loves being hands on, and I prefer when she cannot injure herself with things- call me crazy. She had to grab the bunny's ears.
She generally likes playing with the plush blocks that were in there, though she wasn't very interested in the book.
Of course, I think her favorite was the purple Easter grass stuffed in around the real presents.
Well, the pediatrician still isn't sure exactly what is going on. Jordan is now taking Zyrtec in case it is allergies, liquid
Albuterol in case she wasn't getting enough of the treatment through the
nebulizer and we switched her formula in case it is a food allergy. He also gave us a referral to a lung specialist for next month. Since she threw up on Dave last night and didn't sleep very well, I'm not sure if this is working yet. She is with Dave's mom this evening, and we'll get her tomorrow some time. Thankfully the pediatrician doesn't think it is anything serious since she is healthy aside from the cough, but we are trying to figure this out. It is so pitiful when she coughs and cries.
I hate that Katie..nothing is worse than when you baby is sick and you don't know what to do to make her better...did they put her on soy or just a different brand of cow's milk?
She was already on Similac, so we are trying Similac Isomil which is either Soy free or milk free- can't remember which.
Hope you get this figured out. Maybe the combination of things you are trying will work. Hang in there.
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