On Easter morning we had time to get into Jordan's Easter basket before heading to church with Dave's mom. Jordan's favorite Easter basket item was the $1.99 bendable bunny the Easter bunny picked up during a trip to Kroger. Of course, she likes the bathtub crayons, as well, though we couldn't convince her that they were only for the tub.

Dave's mom's church is mainly people ages 60+, so there aren't a lot of kids. It is great though because they are all happy to let Jordan, Zach and the other kids roam the aisles, go into a side room to play, dance, talk, etc. For the big egg hunt after church, I was told there were 174 eggs for the 4 children present. The eggs had candy and quarters in them, and then each child was given a big thing of bubbles, $1 and $5 in McDonald's bucks. The eggs were generally just sitting in grass, but I swear some of them were hard to see.
This is the closest Jordan got the Easter bunny. Notice that she is clutching her Ma Maw and leaning away from the bunny. She got much closer than the bunny on the prior day.

What do you use to collect your eggs when your parents forget your Easter baskets (even though you have 3 at home)? That's right, a good ole' Kroger bag. It was cute watching Dave help Jordan with the egg hunt.

And another shot of Jordan and I together. Of course she wouldn't actually look at the camera. She really wanted into the bubbles in her hand. I guess we could have picked a better backdrop than the foundation of the person's house who lives next to the church. Oh, well...
great pictures and I like the new look!!
Looks like Miss Jordan had a great Easter! And I don't blame her for being leary of the Easter Bunny- Santa is one thing, but a 6 foot tall rabbit is quite another!!
I like the picture of you and Jordan - it is so good I did not pay much attention to the background. Glad you had a great day.
I've yet to buy bath crayons. And it looks like Jordan had a great easter!
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