Jordan definitely has many sides to her personality. She can be so stinking sweet and innocent one minute and throwing herself in the floor pitching a fit the next- I have no clue where she gets that from. On St. Patrick's day she could not have looked more sweet or adorable in her shamrock shirt. See, sweet and innocent, right?

Who doesn't love a slinky? This one was leftover from the treat bags at Jordan's birthday party and she loves playing with it.

Playing outside with her pony tail Nana managed to sneak in her hair. It lasted almost all day before Jordan pulled it out. Sweet and cute but a bit like a mine-teenager.

Here is where the attitude starts coming out. Although I think she is too young to smirk, she seems to have that one mastered.

And, my favorite- full on attitude! This is actually what she kept doing when I told her to smile. I see some interesting years in our future!

So, I have Easter pics to load onto the computer that haven't made it there yet. Jordan got to do 2 Easter egg hunts, but she was terrified of the Easter bunny at both. After church yesterday there were 174 eggs for 4 children, so Jordan got a bunch. They were filled with quarters and candy, though since she is too young for peanut butter, Dave and I may have helped with some of the candy.
Since the comments on the blog have been few and far between as of late, I'll post Easter pics after I get at least 4 comments.
Comment, comment, comment, comment there's 4, does this count?? :) Kidding, I totally understand the few comments frustration!!
She's very cute in her Shamrock shirt and her "smile" is too funny!!
HA!! I love that expression in that last pic!! CLASSIC!
Your kid has some personality. Very cute pictures and keep posting. We are only one comment away from meeting your comment throw-down.
Number FOUR!!!! You are obligated now to post some good Easter pics.
Love the face in the last pic. Can you say Stinker? hahaha
I get the comment frustration too...I've broken down and started doing this from work. Nice. Ha. But when we move you better watch out...I've been internetless for 3 years and I am ready to go. You won't be able to keep up with the comments. :) But, just so you know...even if I don't comment (because I can't from home) I do read and check up on you often (because I can read it at home...just not see the pics or actually write back).
She is sweet and I think Ainsley has the same shirt as her...the one that says love. They've got the same taste:)
I have it figured out!! Look at the first picture.She will be one of those stunning girls on the "Price is Right" that show off appliances and other good stuff behind door # ?
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