Since you all not only met but exceeded my demand for comments, here are Easter pictures. I'm glad to know I'm not just doing the blog solely for my amusement.;)
At the first Easter egg hunt of the weekend, we had brunch and then the egg hunt. There were a bunch of kids who were surprisingly well behaved. I was happily surprised that Jordan did so well among a large group of children rushing into the yard all at the same time on a mission for eggs.
First is a picture of Jordan and me. I'm not sure which is more surprising, the fact I allowed myself to be photographed or the fact Jordan allowed me to put hair bows in her hair which she left in for hours. Although she wasn't a fan of the Easter bunny, she was keeping an eye on him, which is why she wouldn't look at the camera. Moments after this picture she ran away from the bunny!

Being held by Nana before brunch. Still keeping her eye on the bunny.

Here is the dreaded bunny. This is as close as she would let Nana get to the bunny without a fit.

Just like any kid, this was one of Jordan's favorite parts of the day- COOKIES!! She mastered that word a while back, though she thinks veggie crackers and all kinds of things are cookies, so it isn't so bad.

And picking up eggs outside during the hunt. There were at least 70 kids swarming the lawns outside. One side of the road was for the smaller children while the other side was for the big kids. No one was trampled, and Jordan ended up with a few eggs.

Since it had been rainy that morning and there was a continued threat of rain on Saturday, Jordan had to sport the raincoat for this hunt. There was also face painting and clowns making balloon animals. Jordan got an orange balloon dog with she quickly turned back into a balloon snake. Later that evening she and Dave managed to deflate it, though I'm not exactly sure how they managed that. She seemed to have a good time with the whole experience. Hopefully Bo
bo and Nana will take us to the hunt again next year. Thanks Bo
jordan looked super cute...i did not get one picture of lydia hunting eggs or in her easter dress..i think i was all pictured out from disney..
Yes thank you bo bo! Good times!!
She looks cute in her little dress and raincoat! Looks like you all had a good time!
Looks like a good time was had by cute!!
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