Jordan's only 1st cousin, Zach, turned 5 on New Year's Eve. I was glad they chose to have his party on the 30
th this year so we could celebrate New Year's with our friends. This was the second birthday party that Jordan attended. At the first, she was so happy being passed around by hometown people who had not met her yet that she didn't notice the multitude of balloons. However, at Zach's party, once the balloons got her attention, she wouldn't look at much else. I could only drag Zach away from bowling for 1 picture, and Jordan was too interested in the balloon above to look at the camera.
This was when Dave held the balloon down close enough for Jordan to really check it out. I had my fingers crossed that she wouldn't manage to pop it in her face. This was also Jordan's first time wearing shoes instead of just socks or booties. Even though they said 3-6 month, they were huge on her and kept falling off. Apparently her feet aren't as off the charts as her weight! ;)
Jordan's next well baby visit is on Tuesday, so we'll find out then exactly how much she weighs and how tall she is. Any guesses? If I remember correctly, at the 2 month
appt, she was 14 lbs and 23", though at a sick
appt about a month ago, she was already 16 lbs!
My guess is 18 pounds 4 ounces. I dont know why, that is why it is a guess. What do we get if we guess right? We are just hoping Vivian is more than 12 pounds at her 4 month (which I think she probably will be).
I don't really have a guess because I am completely inept when it comes to babies...I've got a lot to learn, O'Wise One. Teach me.
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