Friday, September 28, 2007
Have I mentioned that my daughter is a pirate?
Jordan has a habit of keeping one eye watching us when we want to put her down or are feeding her to make sure we aren't going anywhere. We jokingly call her a pirate and say she is giving us her pirate eye since she just keeps the one eye open. She doesn't do it as often now, but it still makes me laugh.
Jordan will get to meet her grandfather this evening or early tomorrow. My dad is supposed to be on his way from NC now to meet his first grandchild. I'm not sure if I've seen him hold a baby after my 23 year brother, so this could be interesting. I'm glad he is staying with my Uncle John rather than staying with us since our nights can be pretty hectic. Jordan has slept a little better the past few nights, but I don't want to jinx anything by saying that. Keep your fingers crossed for me on the sleep front!
Monday, September 24, 2007
First sponge bath
These pictures are from Jordan's first sponge bath a little over a week ago. Since her cord was and is still on, we haven't tried a real bath yet. This sequence shows the uncertainty before the bath....
The not so favorable reaction during the bath...
And the excitement and relief after the bath when we were drying her off with one of her hooded towels.
I'm happy to report that we gave her another sponge bath yesterday, and it went much better. I really hope she likes real baths when we reach that point.
On a side note, Jordan met her uncle JC on Saturday. His mature reaction was fear of the umbilical cord and comments that it looked like goose poop. He wouldn't even hold her. Such a wuss!
On a side note, Jordan met her uncle JC on Saturday. His mature reaction was fear of the umbilical cord and comments that it looked like goose poop. He wouldn't even hold her. Such a wuss!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Today was my due date
It is amazing to think that Jordan wasn't "scheduled" to arrive until today. Instead, she kicked her own plan into gear and showed up 11 days early. We have already had the joy of semi-sleepless nights and fits of crying that last more than 30 minutes with no real reason behind them. She is snoozing at the moment, so I'm probably going to try to take a nap, too. Today is my first full day being here without one of the grandmothers coming to assist during the afternoon, and I already went to the back deck with Jordan and almost locked us out. Since then, Dave has told me where we have a hidden key that I didn't know about. Oh, boy...
This picture is of Jordan hanging out in the changing part of her Pack N Play with an up close and personal picture that shows her beautiful eyes when she is alert and content.

And I love this picture below. Dave is adjusting well to the true balancing act he been doing. Maddie seems to be protective rather than jealous, but she always wants to be close to the action. She keeps trying to get close to Jordan and sneak little kisses on the head and feet. She is pretty good to stop when we tell her to though.

This picture is of Jordan hanging out in the changing part of her Pack N Play with an up close and personal picture that shows her beautiful eyes when she is alert and content.
And I love this picture below. Dave is adjusting well to the true balancing act he been doing. Maddie seems to be protective rather than jealous, but she always wants to be close to the action. She keeps trying to get close to Jordan and sneak little kisses on the head and feet. She is pretty good to stop when we tell her to though.
Monday, September 17, 2007
1 week old today!
Here is a picture of Jordan sucking away on a pacifier in the hospital shortly before we got to come home.
And a picture from her first car ride. I, of course, had to ride in the backseat with her. She stayed awake for the first few minutes and then drifted off. I love this picture because Jordan was so alert and taking in all of the scenery. This picture also features the fancy outfit that her grandmothers bought for her to wear home. As soon as we put the outfit on her, she spit up a little bit on it. Thankfully it wasn't much,
And last but not least a picture which shows Jordan's favorite sleep position when not in a swaddle blanket, arms up. Here she is sleeping in her Pack N Play, which has been one of the most used baby items we have. It is currently set up in our living room so we don't have to go up and down the stairs as much as we would have to if we were always putting her back in her cradle.

Amazingly, at 8:15 pm Jordan will officially be 1 week old. She had been rolling onto her side since the day we brought her home. She is also trying to grip the bottle already.
I got my staples out today at my OB's office and am happy to report it genuinely didn't hurt. My stomach feels a little better now, but the steri-strips won't come off for another 7-10 days.
Tomorrow Dave returns to work, so it will be my first day home with Jordan for a long period. He has, of course, been running to the store and the gym for an hour here and there, but I've never been alone with her for a long period. I think both of the grandmothers are coming by tomorrow afternoon, so I will have reinforcements during part of the day. Wish me luck!
Amazingly, at 8:15 pm Jordan will officially be 1 week old. She had been rolling onto her side since the day we brought her home. She is also trying to grip the bottle already.
I got my staples out today at my OB's office and am happy to report it genuinely didn't hurt. My stomach feels a little better now, but the steri-strips won't come off for another 7-10 days.
Tomorrow Dave returns to work, so it will be my first day home with Jordan for a long period. He has, of course, been running to the store and the gym for an hour here and there, but I've never been alone with her for a long period. I think both of the grandmothers are coming by tomorrow afternoon, so I will have reinforcements during part of the day. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Jordan is here! (and healthy!)
As you probably already know, Miss Jordan Alaina arrived on Monday evening at 8:15pm via c-section. At my OB appt on Monday, the plan was to schedule a c-section on Friday Sept 14. Apparently Jordan had other plans though. My water broke within 2 hours of my appt, and my friends from work Andrea and Chanin drove me to the hospital. I should get to go home tomorrow, but below are some pictures of Jordan in the hospital.
This picture is of Jordan being held by nurse Bethany right after c-section.

And a picture we took of Jordan after we got her dressed for her hospital photos. Of course, as soon as we got her dressed for the picture, she dirtied her diaper and had to be changed. She already has her mother's timing. She is going well and sleeping well so far, though who knows how things will go when we get her home tomorrow.
This picture is of Jordan being held by nurse Bethany right after c-section.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Made it to 38 weeks
In honor of the big game tomorrow, here is a pic of our Mountaineer flag out front. Say it with me:
"LET'S GO....................................................................................MOUNTAINEERS!"

"LET'S GO....................................................................................MOUNTAINEERS!"
So, I've officially made it to the 38 week mark. Of course, that means I haven't had a drop of alcohol in 34 weeks- not that I'm counting. Below are 2 pics from our 4D ultrasound that was done at 31 weeks and 6 days. I can't wait to meet Jordan in person, especially when I look at these pictures!
Hopefully everything will go smoothly this weekend. Dave is going with me to my u/s and OB appointment on Monday. I'm sure I'll post on Monday to share any info I get from the doc and the u/s tech. Wish us luck!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Monitoring in L&D today
I had a regular appt with my OB today, and my blood pressure was a little high. I got sent to labor and delivery for monitoring- what fun. Jenny was nice enough to go with me, though they made her wait in the waiting area for a little while to begin with. Thankfully my BP went back to normal before I left the hospital and most of the blood work came back fine. I came home to rest afterward though. I have to go back in the morning for 1 more blood test, though my doc seemed to think everything was fine. I did learn that I'm having small contractions that I can't even feel, which is crazy to think about.
Since Maddie was so happy to see me coming home early, I'm adding a pic of her to this post.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
First blog post
I wanted to start a blog once the baby arrived but decided to go ahead and start it since I'm not exactly technologically advanced. I'm counting on Kim, Andrea and Elizabeth to help me figure this thing out so I can post pics and video clips once Jordan is here.
On the pregnancy front, I'm still pregnant, though the girls at work seem to think I could "go" any moment. My due date is still almost 3 wks away, but with the baby measuring big, who knows what will happen. Other than extremely swollen feet and calves, I guess I'm doing as well as I can.
On the pregnancy front, I'm still pregnant, though the girls at work seem to think I could "go" any moment. My due date is still almost 3 wks away, but with the baby measuring big, who knows what will happen. Other than extremely swollen feet and calves, I guess I'm doing as well as I can.
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