Here is a picture of Jordan sucking away on a pacifier in the hospital shortly before we got to come home.

And a picture from her first car ride. I, of course, had to ride in the backseat with her. She stayed awake for the first few minutes and then drifted off. I love this picture because Jordan was so alert and taking in all of the scenery. This picture also features the fancy outfit that her grandmothers bought for her to wear home. As soon as we put the outfit on her, she spit up a little bit on it. Thankfully it wasn't much,

And last but not least a picture which shows Jordan's favorite sleep position when not in a swaddle blanket, arms up. Here she is sleeping in her Pack N Play, which has been one of the most used baby items we have. It is currently set up in our living room so we don't have to go up and down the stairs as much as we would have to if we were always putting her back in her cradle.

Amazingly, at 8:15 pm Jordan will officially be 1 week old. She had been rolling onto her side since the day we brought her home. She is also trying to grip the bottle already.
I got my staples out today at my OB's office and am happy to report it genuinely didn't hurt. My stomach feels a little better now, but the steri-strips won't come off for another 7-10 days.
Tomorrow Dave returns to work, so it will be my first day home with Jordan for a long period. He has, of course, been running to the store and the gym for an hour here and there, but I've never been alone with her for a long period. I think both of the grandmothers are coming by tomorrow afternoon, so I will have reinforcements during part of the day. Wish me luck!
She is just precious. There are not even words. I cannot wait to meet her in person!
You are so luck, she is adorable, Tell Jordan her first road trip needs to be to Charlotte. I love how you post all of the pictures that way I can feel like i am getting to know her :)
She looks like she is taking everything in all the time. I agree with Megan...makes me feel like I am getting to know her and that is pretty cool because I am so far away. Good luck'll do great!! Kiss Jordan for me!!
I'm sure that you'll do great! You really seem to have this new mom thing under control!!!
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