Saturday, September 1, 2007

First blog post

I wanted to start a blog once the baby arrived but decided to go ahead and start it since I'm not exactly technologically advanced. I'm counting on Kim, Andrea and Elizabeth to help me figure this thing out so I can post pics and video clips once Jordan is here.

On the pregnancy front, I'm still pregnant, though the girls at work seem to think I could "go" any moment. My due date is still almost 3 wks away, but with the baby measuring big, who knows what will happen. Other than extremely swollen feet and calves, I guess I'm doing as well as I can.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Hey Katie!! I am excited to be the first to post a comment on your blog! I'll help whenever I can. Glad you are doing well...Carrie keeps me updated. Talk to you soon and welcome to our blogging world!! xoxo