On Christmas morning with the video camera rolling, we plopped Jordan in her rocking duck, and she seemed to like it. Since it was her big present, I was sure she would hate it, but I'm happy to report that she liked it. Of course, we have to rock it for her, but she sits in it and is content even when we aren't rocking it (for about 15 minutes at a time). I had put her wrist rattles on that morning which is why she has an odd looking stuffed thing on her wrist.
I had to get a picture of her with her "My First Christmas" ornament from Eggplant. I wanted to get a cute little girl ornament, but all of those were blond, so I refused and went with the cute little snowman. I even asked the sales woman (a brunette) for a brunette or black haired girl ornament but to no avail.
Jordan sitting on Dave's leg at my mom's house while we were opening gifts. You can see Maddie in the background since we didn't want to leave her home all Christmas day. Jordan is checking out a cute little stuffed frog in a purple dress that Nana got her for Christmas. Thanks again Nana!
Ahhhh!!! The bow is eating her face. Anyone who has had anything gift boxed at Eggplant knows about the huge bows they attach to gifts. Dave got Jordan a Little Giraffe pillow to match a blanket Nana got Jordan before she was born, and Eggplant put this lovely bow on the package. One of us put the bow on Jordan's head, but by the time the camera flashed, the bow managed to slide down to cover most of her face. Since I found it funny, I had to include it. You can also see the other wrist rattle- an elephant. Since we had the video camera on while opening Jordan's presents at our house, we didn't take a lot of pictures. We kept putting Jordan's hand on the wrapping paper and making her hold it while we pulled the paper away. Although she had no clue what was going on, she seemed to go with the flow. We had a good first Christmas as a family and look forward to many more!